Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The best is yet to come!

After two weeks since I last shared an update on behalf of Jordan during his mission, I saw one notification for my email and I did not know why. I was so confused. I did not received any emails from my friends during my sleep and throughout this day for that email. Surely enough, I clicked on the email app and I found out the unread email was from Jordan. Surprise!

I would like to share with you what the email said and he said,

"I am grateful for my mission experience. I know the Lord lives. I saw His influence in abundance in Canada and still continue to see it in Australia.

So the flight home was a little crazy haha. We had our departing pleasantries and last mission dinner with all the departing missionaries, which was amazing to see all the spiritually matured and seasoned Elders and Sisters I came out to the field with. We slept at the Hilton and had an early breakfast the next morning. It was then to the airport! All the missionaries except for me were figuring out their travel plans.

Turned out that my visa to the states had expired lol. So I had to be re-directed from church headquarters to Vancouver and then to New Zealand. The flight time was about 20 hours but it was 27 hours in total with layovers (longest trip of my life haha). I sat on the plane next to a chinese lady who spoke no english and then on the way to New Zealand a man with his 2 year old daughter, and another man who knew members of the church when he was younger. Good conversations with all about the church. I was so tired though haha

Got into Australia and let me tell you. It looks a lot different to what I remembered. Still the same aussie twang in the voices of everyone now haha. Everyone thinks saying boot instead of trunk is normal too haha

Seeing my family again was amazing. Gave my mum a hugh hug and my dad a big hug too. Family and friends came along to be there also. My best friend Jacob came along also. I was so tired though I felt like it was a big dream...a good dream though :)

Got released by my stake President after a short interview and then was on my way to catch up with the family. I have since found work working at a restaurant as a waiter. I am volunteering in the community, been with the Missionaries and have been caring for mum and grandma a little also. Went to my first YSA dance last week....let me tell ya...that was weird haha Babylon came back!

Since being back, life has been good and from the support of many my transition has been really smooth. Im loving it :)

To all those still serving:
I invite you to live every day with the same vigor and strength you dedicated on your first day of being in the field. Dont let up. Dont give in. Dont step back. Heaven is cheering you on. There are many praying for you. I am praying for you. I love you.

The mission was the best two years for my life so far and I invite you to live every day of the mission so you can look back with no regrets and confirm to the Lord that you gave everything you had. You wont regret that! Think of the joy you have to give to others. OWN the OYM :)

Your friend and brother in the Lord,

This will be my new email from now on so please contact me there: Jordan.Wehi@gmail.com"

Sunday, October 02, 2016

Welcome Home!

Hey Readers,

This post is short and sweet. 

Jordan in other words Elder Wehi has arrived in Brisbane airprot safely on last Friday morning. On my way to Brisbane Airport with four of Jordan's relatives in the van, I found out that I was tracking the wrong flight because Jordan's visa expired before he finished his mission and Jordan flew a different route to Brisbane.

Jordan ended up flying Toronto in Canada to Vancouver in Canada, then from Vancouver in Canada to Auckland in New Zealand, then from Auckland in New Zealand to Brisbane in Australia.

It was very good to see Jordan for the first time in two years. I felt so grateful that I came to the airport and take photos to capture memories on the special day and I also felt so grateful for someone used my old phone to do the videos for recording him arriving at Brisbane airport to see everyone.
I already know there are some things that I am going to miss doing since Jordan is back.

I am going to miss sharing the latest mission updates, I am going to miss sharing the extra posts, I am going to miss staying up late to send an email to Jordan, I am going to miss helping Jordan's Mum a lot and I am going to miss a lot of other things.

Welcome Home Jordan!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Many Thanks and Tracking Flight Home!

Hey Readers,

For the first part of this post, I would like to share many thanks to many people who has influnced Elder Wehi throughout his mission.

I would like to thank all the church members who provided meals for Elder Wehi and his companions.
I would like to thank Elder Wehi's previous Mission President, Elder Clayton and Sister Clayton.

I would like to thank Elder Wehi's new Mission President Elder Shields and Sister Shields.
I would like to thank all of Elder Wehi's companions who put up with Elder Wehi 24/7.

I would like to thank Elder Wehi's relatives and friends who sent him packages throughout his mission.
I would like to thank Elder Wehi's relatives and friends who sent him letters throughout his mission.
I would like to thank Elder Wehi's relatives and friends who emailed him throughout his mission.

I would like to thank all the prayers who prayed for Elder Wehi's safety throughout his mission.
I would like to thank the investigators to come into Elder Wehi's life at the right time and place.

I would like to thank Heavenly Father the most because he constantly watched over Elder Wehi throughout his mission.
For the second part of this post, I would like you all to know that I will be tracking Elder Wehi's flight home. I think I will be getting no sleep tonight and tomorrow night. Oh well. Seriously not long now. Less than seventy two hours and he will be back in Brisbane. Aaaaaah!

I have his flight schedule, many thanks to his Mum for sharing it with me and I am able to know where the plane is. Elder Wehi has two stops before he arrives to Brisbane. His first stop is to Los Angeles and the second stop is to Tawain. Elder Wehi just left Canada Toronto Airport about five minutes ago.

I am pretty sure Elder Wehi cried at the Airport after saying some farewells. I almost cried to when I looked at the flight tracker and saw that Elder Wehi's plane left Canada. Time is coming real to me now and I can believe it now that he is coming home soon! 

Stay tuned for a few more updates!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Fought the Good Fight

I acknowledge the email from Elder Wehi for this week was very short and knew that he has so much to do in a short remaining time left that he has of his mission. Remember this week was his last week emailing home as a Full-Time Missionary and he arrives back in Australia in three days.

Wow! Time flies so fast lately.
I would like to share with you, the testimony that he shared through the email. He said, "I have felt Gods love. I have seen so many lives touched by His hand. I have more direction for my life. I know who I am. I know a little better now about the importance of the rest of my lives decisions. I will always be grateful for what I learnt as a missionary and the gifts i will be bringing home."

Elder Wehi shared a few photos that he already sent previously during his mission and he sent some new photos. Be sure to check out, "Mission Photos" section to see the photos. Have a great week everyone!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

2 Years

Readers, be prepared this post is a very long post. Elder Wehi's Mum forwarded me this week's email and I am very grateful for his Mum to do that for me. This week's update summaries what he learns during his time as a missionary and even his memories after receiving the mission call and before he left for his mission.

Elder Wehi said, "The Greatest thing I ever did with my life was to give up something I dearly loved, to the God I loved even more; He has never forgotten me for it. Learn from the past." - President Thomas S. Monson.

When the call came in the mail, I didn't know what to expect. As I read the words "Ye are hereby called to serve ...." I was filled with emotion. Happiness and anticipation almost to anxiety wanting to leave that very day. I still remember that. My dad came and sat next to my bed and woke me with so much excitement in his voice.

I still remember that. Preparation and Temple attendance. Going to the Temple often and making new friends. Being in my room for hours at a time just studying about what it would be like on a mission. I still remember these times. The time arrives and I get on the plane.

I say goodbye to my family whom I have never been away from for longer than months at a time. Tears and a little fear of what to expect, but happy beyond anything I had yet experienced. The plane ride was smooth. Pretty jet lagged. Super on fire with energy, though.

Arrive in LA. First steps into America. Hugh cars, people sound funny, driving on the other side of the road and food I had never even heard of before. Now I'm a little confused. Everything looks different and for a moment I'm asking myself: "Where am I?" even though perfectly knowing where I am going and where I am.

That's what plane rides can do to you sometimes. Arrive in Salt Lake. Travel to MTC with other international missionaries. Excited to be going to where my dad had been years before.

Felt like a dream honestly. MTC was where I came to see the Atonement change the lives of others. It was the first time I saw the Salt Lake city Temple. My companion, the people we taught, and myself also. We looked up to the missionaries who had been there for a while and were going into the field. They were so mature and ready. I wanted that too.

We worked for it day and night and time and time again we would make mistake after mistake, but the little things made the big things happen. It's time to leave for the field! It was hard to sleep that night. woke up at 4 that morning. Cold morning. Not many people on the road. Got to the Airport before the other missionaries. read the Book of Mormon for 2 hours. Other Missionaries arrive.

I find out I'm going to Toronto through Minnesota, and the other missionaries going by Detroit. The Lord put a man praying to help a missionary that day on the seat next to me. He took me to the right places and fed me breakfast.

Blessings! Friend made. Soul Comforted. Get to Toronto after the other missionaries. Go through customs. Get luggage. Walk through the entrance to Toronto. See President and Sister Clayton waving for me. Biggest and kindest spiritual giants you ever met. Went to the Mission Home and ate dinner. Beautiful home. Beautiful missionaries. Beautiful Spirit.
Slept in the Hilton Motel. Got no sleep.

So Excited for the morning to find out my trainer. We get to the Stake Center. See another Australian Missionary Elder Mangakahia.  Go to the meeting. The Spirit is electric!! My trainer gets revealed. Elder Turner! Short Arizonian, Consecrated Spirit. Hard worker. Smart planner. He taught me how to plan. I ate pizza my first few weeks every day.

I didn't know how to plan before being with him. Taught many, contacted heaps! We found a special young man named Gaurav. He accepted and lived the Gospel. We came to love him. He was Baptized. The Lord asks me to train. I receive my first 'son', Elder Janson.

We laughed and had heaps of fun. We grew together through trial and lots of talking to everyone. Good first 3 transfers, 18 weeks. First transfer call! Going to Trenton. Serving with Elder Herbert. Mississippi. Heart of Gold. Good guy. We pounded the pavement hard. Went to work straight away. Found, taught and baptized many.

I learnt that transfer what it means to love your family and how to overcome challenges such as depression and fear. Elder Herbert and I became brothers in the Gospel. We fought, we argued, we felt super down sometimes, but I came to love this man so much!

We used the Principle of Repentance and forgiveness. I learned so much that transfer, especially in letting go of my pride and turning to the Lord. The Trenton area got built with people to teach! So then Elder Pumford came into the area and we tore it up! He loved music and I loved music and we loved the Gospel, so it made for a good pair.

We worked together well, and had some really fun times. First time I lit off fireworks (yes, I didn't know it was apostate until just recently haha). I learned that transfer how important it is to press forward with faith and to use the talents God has given us for good. that was some of my favorite 3 transfers of the mission.

I would still say that Trenton was my favorite area for missionary work and also because it was a time when I grew the most on the mission. I love that place. Beautiful town and Beautiful people.

Next area! Don Mills! MAN, that was the area I really learned how to have fun in missionary work. My companions were from Idaho (Elder Lasley) and Alberta (Elder Oviatt). They were soooo funny! I really came to understand, amidst all the craziness of talking to everyone and teaching so many people that you can have fun in missionary work.

I loved it! We were on the busses and it was my first area where I got to be on the bus. It was different to begin with but we got used to it super quick. I wish I could always be on busses. Great times! only 1 transfer but still a great time!

Transferred next to Sudbury, 4 hours north of Downtown Toronto. With Elder Cattelain. Really outgoing and super friendly Elder. Biggest strength was to always be a friend to everyone. It was a really big learning experience for me.

It was there that I learned once more the importance of loving your companion. I struggled my whole life with understanding what it means to be a companion. Knowing what it means to work together. It was in this transfer that I came to learn about forgiveness. I learned that its more important to love our companion than anything else you can do for them.

We worked hard and taught a lot of members in this area. We helped start the re-activation of some less active members. It was also the first transfer I got to be a District Leader. Went on exchanges with Elders in Sault ste Marie. Good times. Learned a LOT!

Then I was transferred over to SCARBOROUGH for the next 5 transfers! WOW, did I learn a lot here!! I was with Elder Ray, the most humble and kind missionary you'll ever meet. Very good at loving others. He loved me and I always admired that about him.

We got along really well. WE walked the streets every day no matter the weather .. -40 to +40 we were out. Took the busses everywhere! Literally EVERYWHERE! I spent Christmas and new years there! Elder Ray and I grew together and he helped pull me out of depression over the 3 transfers we were together. I love that man as well.

Brothers. We walked and walked and walked and walked there. I did a calculation and for the amount of people we talked to every day times how long we were there for we had to talk to at least 7000+ people. It was some great times.

It was there that I learned the importance of when you want something, you got to work for it .. .also we loved the members so much! This was my 2nd favorite area of the mission. I loved it there. My fourth transfer there I was called to train. Elder Strong! The strongest man in the mission! that was a good transfer as well.

I learned so much with Elder Strong. Especially the importance of choosing to lead. Choosing to be an example. Not sitting around waiting but going and doing good for the Lord. I was then called again to be District Leader over the farsi and mandarin speaking missionaries in the Zone (some of the group) and go on exchanges with them.

It was amazing! Got to learn so many different languages and meet many people from many different places in the world. at the end of the transfer it was sad to leave the area because I loved it so much! That was a tender mercy from the Lord to serve there :)

Next area! Downtown Toronto with Elder Akre! Serving now as a Zone Leader. I think I was too anxious to learn how to be a Zone Leader. It was sometimes hard on Elder Akre because I was so anxious to do everything haha. He taught me alot!

Elder Akre is a very organized and loving missionary. I served around him at the beginning of the mission and so it was good to serve around him again. We learned a lot together, especially me. I learned once again that its most important to love your companion than anything else.

I learned that transfer the importance of getting administrative things done so you can look to help minister to others also. Its important to do the menial things so you can get to doing the things that matter most.

Downtown Toronto was amazing! We walked and took the trains, but also had a mini(mom) van. I came to love the area and the YSA in the branch we served in. I also served with Elder Nugent! Man, also the funniest guy alive. Seriously, if you ever need a laugh, thats who to go to.

Super dedicated and very good missionary. We taught two people there that I loved, Davin and Shady. It was amazing getting to teach Davin because he struggled with parts of the Law of Chastity I had struggled with too. I could testify of Gods love for him and the Hope that comes through the saviors Atonement. It was a blessing to serve in this area.

Now Here. at the Present time. In London! Im here with Elder Certonio and its been an amazing 5 weeks so far. Its my last transfer and I have learned so much this transfer. I have learned that the Lord is preparing me for the rest of my life, and that adjusting to our surroundings with love and faith can take effort, but is worth it because when you believe in God, Good things will always come :)

The Testimony I have come to learn on the mission is this:
1.God is our Loving Heavenly Father. He loves us. He knows and loves me.
2. Jesus Christs Atonement is real and changes lives. Its changed mine.
3. The Spirit speaks, and every time we listen we will see miracles and blessings
4. Family is the most important reason for living the Gospel
5. I had to come on the mission to learn how to be a companion and prepare for my future family.
6.You can choose to be happy. Life is all about choice.
7.Missionary work is love in action.

I am thankful for my mission which has taught me to always be a missionary for the rest of my life :)

I have direction now. I know who I am. I am a child of God.

This is my testimony and the mission is the greatest blessing to come into my life,

In the name of Jesus Christ,


Elder Wehi"
Elder Wehi might be emailing next week, so I am not 100% sure as yet because he surprised me this week and last week with emails. It makes me feel so happy. Enjoy the rest of your week everyone.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Quick Reminders!

This post is short and sweet. I don't have much to say for this post. I would like to share with you easy and quick reminders. I know time flies too fast while you are having fun. I also know time flies too fast while you are keeping busy.

Elder Wehi comes back to Australia next week. This week might be the last week for Elder Wehi gets the opportunity to have one last preparation day to email home before his mission so please remember to email him. I know he will appreciate it heaps!

Are you stuck with some ideas? I hope the following ideas will help and encourage you knowing what to say for the email.

The email can be about anything to do with a spiritually uplifting message, sharing any uplifting quotes, sharing any general conference talks, sharing any scripture verses, sharing any encouraging words such as "Keep up the great work." and much more. Please keep it simple because I am aware that Elder Wehi is running out of time and has very limited of time left to email home.

I hope everyone will look forward to the next update.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

New Area, New Companion, New People

I always love sacrificing my sleep whenever I get the opportunity to email back and forth with Elder Wehi. I know that would be one of the major things that I would miss when he gets home. It may not seem much to others, but it means a lot to me knowing that he has very limited time to email home.

I did not think that his reply to my email and me being fast to reply to his email as quickly as I can, would lead to emailing back and forth. Haha! I think one day, Elder Wehi would think that I am crazy for waking up early in the morning and emailing back and forth with him.

To the point, this post is mainly about a short update from Elder Wehi for this week's update. I always love receiving emails about mentioning to his Mum about his mission, and she has been so great to me for forwarding me those emails so I can update the blog on his behalf. I honestly thought I won't be updating this blog for this week.

I would like to share with you what Elder Wehi has mentioned to his Mum for this week's update. Elder Wehi mentioned the following to his Mum.

"So its been a great week again. Lots and lots and lots of learning lately...its been a period of adjusting. Adjusting to everything. New area, new companion, new people....Ive been here for almost 5 weeks now but its like as if I was going home because of having to learn so much about a place that seems familiar but having to use all the abilities to set goals and make plans that I have learnt over the mission. Its great though! Having a lot of fun and seeing many hearts be touched by the Gospel. Wouldnt want to be doing anything else these next couple of weeks

I find myself only really ever speaking about how the gospel blesses families. I also love serving families and being around children. Its nice to see how the Lord blesses families. Thats what its all about.

I am convinced and know now for sure that it isnt where you serve, but how you serve that really matters to the Lord.

I now that when I excerise faith, no matter how hard it could be sometimes, that the Lord is there to back us 100%. Prayer brings peace."

I would like you to know the time is up for sending Elder Wehi handwritten letters. I will be sending a few friendly reminders on sometime Sunday afternoon (AEST around 4pm or 6pm) regarding about Elder Wehi and I will share it on this blog.

This upcoming Friday will reach two weeks/fourteen days until Elder Wehi comes back to Australia.
Thank you everyone for being patient with me and Elder Wehi. We both really appreciate it.

Have a great week everyone! 

Wednesday, September 07, 2016

A Way to Change Miracle

Hey Readers,

It was Labour Day on Monday, which means a little delay to Full-Time Missionaries to send letters and emails to their families and friends. So Preparation Day got changed to a different day during the week.

I strongly encourage you to not feel discouraged whenever Elder Wehi does not reply back to your emails because two reasons. One - he did not send a weekly update for this week and I think he chooses not to send a weekly update for the remaining of his mission. It is really up to him. Two - He does not have much time left, please remember that he comes back to Australia in twenty-three days.

Elder Wehi has shared a miracle that he saw happening during the week. He shared it through emails. I would like to share with you what the miracle was.

"A miracle we saw this week was when we were driving down the road and I was on exchange and the missionary I was with went to stop next to a man and we talked to him. He was looking for a way to change his life when we drove up next to him and offered him the restored Gospel. He was ready to meet with the missionaries in the area and change his life. Its awesome to see that God prepares people like that."

Readers, please always remember God is always mindful of who you are, he will never leave you behind, he is constantly there for you especially when you are going through a tough time, he is your loving Father in Heaven, he cares about you, he supports you, and he constantly loves you!

Have a great week everyone! 

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

30 Days to go

First and foremost, I would like to apologise to all readers that there has been no weekly update for last week and this week. Elder Wehi has not emailed me for the past few weeks but that is okay because I know that Elder Wehi has been emailing his Mum weekly and that makes me happy.

I do not know who else he emails to. Remember, there is not much time left and he has a few weeks left of emailing home. Aaaah! Time flies too quickly and it is still unbelievable for me to acknowledge that in thirty days Elder Wehi will be arriving back to Australia.

I am so excited to see him again. Not long to go now!!! I encourage everyone to prepare themselves to feel mixed emotions such as excitement, happiness, overjoyed, and other feelings on the same day when Elder Wehi returns to Australia because that day is going to be a big day like any other missionary coming home from their mission.
I kept thinking and asking myself the following questions throughout today and this evening.

"Where did the time go? I still remember spending one last time with Elder Wehi before his mission."    "Was it really twenty days ago since Elder Wehi reached fifty days left? Time went so quickly." 

"When will people start to realise that Elder Wehi comes home so soon if they haven't realised it yet?" 

I do not know when Elder Wehi will be sending a weekly update. You might have to put up with me updating this blog will fun countdown days left until he comes home. Hopefully not. Hahaha! I hope that Elder Wehi will send one or two more weekly updates before he comes home. 

Have a great week everyone! 

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Last stand!

Elder Wehi sent a short weekly update for this week because it is transfers week this week. I must admit for the past six weeks or so, I was thinking that Elder Wehi and his companion Elder Nugent was going to stay in the Toronto YSA Branch until they both finished their missions. It was so sad for me when I found out both of them getting split up and transferred to two different areas.

Elder Wehi said,

"News is in!

Elder Nugent and I are splitting up for the last stand (last 6 weeks) of the mission...Elder Nugent and I are having a good thing going on here. I love the guy. Super humble and down to earth...very kind and a hard working missionary. I loved my time serving with him. He is always laughing and making a fun time out of the work. Something I admire and will apply in what we do next transfer.

So Elder Nugent is getting transferred to Hamilton YSA and I am going to London 1st Ward. I will be serving with a wonderful missionary named Elder Certonio. I was around when he was first 'born' in the mission. I was serving in Scarborough at the time he was born in Richmond hill. It will be a good last transfer. work hard. pray hard ;)

I am super sad to have to leave Shady and Davin...super sad...because I wont be able to hear from them until after the mission probably....though they have come so far and I have seen them change so much! Thats been a Hugh blessing in my life. Look forward to seeing them on the baptismal sheet this next transfer!

I must say that the mission has made me tired....like...really tired. I was sitting in our meetings yesterday just completely whipped. Its all caught up to me but this transfer coming is the time to shine...give it my all! I know that it will be the best transfer ever!"
A friendly reminder, Elder Wehi has sent two photos with this week's update and the photos will be uploaded on "Mission Photos" section of this blog. I would like to thank everyone's support and patience throughout Elder Wehi's mission so far. Not long to go now.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Quick Overview of 6th Area: Toronto

This post is a quick overview of Elder Wehi's sixth area.

His sixth area is Scarborough. He had 2 different companions while he was serving there.

Elder Wehi served in Toronto area from April 2016 to August 2016.
In other words, he stayed in Toronto Area for total of  3 Transfers.

1st Companion: Elder Akre
2nd Companion: Elder Nugent

Elder Wehi was able to serve as a Zone Leader.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

50 Days to go

This post is short and sweet. Aaaaah! Fifty days to go.

Elder Wehi will be arriving back in Australia in fifty days. It seems to be so soon and I am so excited.           I would like to share with you, an inside joke, "Is this real or is it a dream?" I know this is not a dream because it is true that Elder Wehi will be back in Australia in fifty days.

I know fifty days seems like a long time, but fifty days will go so quickly and my goodness, I can feel the excitement already. I am sure that all of Elder Wehi's relatives and friends are feeling somewhat the excitement to look forward to seeing Elder Wehi again after his mission.
Aaaah! I kept asking myself the following questions.

"Where did the time go? I still remember spending one last time with Elder Wehi before his mission." "Was it really fifty days ago since Elder Wehi reached one hundred days left? Time went so quickly." "When will people start to realise that Elder Wehi comes home soon if they haven't realised it yet?" 

I encourage everyone to prepare themselves to feel mixed emotions such as excitement, happiness and overjoyed on the day when Elder Wehi returns to Australia because that day is going to be a big day like any other missionary coming home from their mission. 

Not long to go now!! Elder Wehi if you are reading this post now, I encourage you to make the most of the remaining days of your mission because it is going to be a long wait for your next opportunity to serve a mission.  

I know that you are doing a great job of being a Zone Leader and I would like you to keep it up. 
Always remember Heavenly Father is constantly watching over you, and always by your side. 

Tuesday, August 09, 2016

CTM Pictures tell a Million words!

Elder Wehi didn't send a weekly update to everyone last week but that is okay. There was a holiday on last Monday and Elder Wehi only emailed his Mum on last Tuesday. Thank you so much for everyone's patience and waiting for this week's email update to be shared.

Elder Wehi said,

"Dear friends and family,

We killed 500 billion cockroaches in an apartment this week...yep :) (missionary life)

Also Davin is doing really really great! We are planning on seeing him again today and spending time with him on preparation day, which will be fun. Love this guy! He has come so far! He told us that as he has been living commandments...he is changing and loving himself more and seeing the good in him. Repentance truly does change and heal hearts. I've seen it in him :)

Shady is fantastic too! She always prays that she will get baptized soon!!! Just need to help her know how to progress towards baptism! So excited for her though! Good times coming into her life...she told us that without us talking to her she wouldn't have come to be so happy and learn so much about her Heavenly father. She prays like a pro too! So good!!

Elder Nugent is still super fly! good guy. Privileged to serve with him! he follows the Spirit and one of the best things about him is that he is always thinking about being obedient and thinking about those we teach...he will always say: "I think we should do this for (whoever it is)" its nice to be with a companion who loves being a missionary! This transfer has been one of the best for us! Missionary work, and anything in life in general is sweeter when there is love at home and in your "companionship". Nice to have! Keeps the Spirit! Thats the most important part! Being guided by the Spirit!

One of the highlights of the week: The Portuguese missionaries went by to visit a recent convert of theirs and he had a Japanese friend named takumi living with him. turns out that Takumi had never learnt about god until the missionaries came by for a short visit. So takumi is younger and so the Portuguese missionaries passed him to us to teach.

We set up an appointment and on the night we went to teach him. He is a short Japanese man aged 21. Super eager and keen to learn about the church. We took him through the church downtown and showed him all the rooms and taught him about the gospel as we went! It was fantastic!

He understood really well. There was a member there also and he testified with the Spirit and takumi was loving it all. takumi even prayed for the first time and said afterwards that he felt his mind enlightened and he felt so different! He felt close to god! We loved the experience and we are meeting with him again!

It just helps me to know that God is preparing so many to receive the restored Gospel...we just need to have the courage to open our mouths and share it! :)

Have a great week!
Elder Wehi

Moroni 10:3-5 (He's just waiting for us to ask!)

So much happened this week and so because a picture tells a million words...Ill send them through :)"
Above is a photo of Elder Wehi when he was holding a kitten and the photo is so cute.

I would like to share with you some friendly reminders. Please take it as a nice way. The photos that Elder Wehi sent with the weekly updates during his time in Canada so far, has been shared under "Mission Photos" section of this blog.

The photos that Elder Wehi has sent with the weekly updates during his time in the MTC, has been shared under "MTC Photos" section of this blog.

I noticed that time has been going quickly, I must admit, it does amaze me so much because time does go fast when we enjoy doing the things that we love, keeping our lives busy and while we are having fun. As one day is over, another day is closer to Elder Wehi's return with honour.

I strongly encourage some people to send their final letters to Elder Wehi any time now to two weeks time. Please don't send letters anytime after the two weeks is up because I don't think Elder Wehi will get the letters in time.

I am happy for you to continue to email him if you don't choose to write a final letter to him. Have a great week everyone. Happy Birthday to Elder Wehi's Mum, it was her Birthday last Monday.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016


"This week was amazing!
We got the opportunity to meet up with so many of the members from Scarborough. This week the YSA branch was closed because of the trip to Kitchener, so we decided to go to the nearest chapel in stead....which was SCARBOROUGH! Man...Elder Nugent and I both served here for long periods of time and so we knew everyone. It was a nice reunion with everyone! We saw many of the people we had taught before and the members were so friendly and kind. That is one of the nicest parts of serving a mission is you gain so many lifetime friends. We loved it there!

This week was a little slow in terms of teaching but we still taught many lessons. Elder Nugent and I are brothers! We get along so well and i love the guy. His family are pioneers in Jamaica and helped to establish the church there. So he has some strong background in the church. Its nice to have a stalwart companion.

Shady is still progressing but is planning for her birthday this week and so we will have to see how that goes in terms of helping her prepare for baptism. She has been at home for a while now because of her foot healing, but we continue to visit her and she is learning well.

had some exchanges with other missionaries this week too! Taught some great spiritual lessons on those exchanges and saw many miracles!

I testify that when there is love at home. When there is kindness in our relationships. when we serve others, especially the ones closest to us in our lives, no matter where we are in our relationship with them...love can conquer all fear...it can and will turn the night to day.

I also testify of the power of forgiveness and the great plan of redemption. I know that Christ overcame death for us...not only that but he understands each individual life. He knows me. He comforts me when faint. He gives me power to do that which I feel I cannot. The Atonement is real, and it provides humble power to overcome the obstacles of life. Of this I am certain. Every good thing came into life because of Christ and still does today.

I invite each of you to take the time to ponder and pray about the Atonement of Jesus Christ. To ask god if it is true. Look for ways to use this power in your life and you will find it. The Atonement can heal any hidden wound or scar and can change our very natures :)

Keep being happy and positive!

The Lord will make up the rest :)

Have a great week!

Elder NuWeh! Nugent and Wehi!"

Great news, Elder Wehi sent three photos for this week. I would like to share with you one of the photos that he has shared and the photos are also shared on "Mission Photos" section of this blog.

Again everyone, thank you so much for being patient with me and Elder Wehi. We really appreciate it.

Friday, July 22, 2016

2 Months Left

This post is short and sweet. I hope this post doesn't take away much of your time but if it does, I am sorry and I am sure this post is worth to read. I encourage you to think about and answer the following questions in your own time.

"Did you have somewhat an idea what this post would be about before reading this post?"
"Was it Elder Wehi has accomplished twenty-two months and he has two months to go?"
"What was your sudden thought when you read this post's title?"
"Isn't it crazy how time flies while you are keeping busy?"
"Isn't it crazy how time flies while you are having fun?"

Can you believe yesterday reached twenty-two months ago since Elder Wehi left for his mission and also yesterday reached seventy days left until Elder Wehi comes home? Well, I am telling you now that is definitely true that Elder Wehi left home twenty-two months ago and he comes home in seventy days.

Time have been going so fast and I seriously can't keep up with it. I am so happy for him. Please continue being patient with me and Elder Wehi, we really appreciate it.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

FAITH+FIRE= A Superb Week!

I love hearing from Elder Wehi. Here's to what he said for this week.

"Elder Nugent is full of fire! He really is on fire with living the Gospel and teaching it! Its so nice to have such diligence that I have seen so many times from other companions too! I have been blessed with wonderful companions over the mission. Elder Nugent and I are meant to go home at the same time so we could possibly finish up here in Toronto YSA, which would mean that they would whitewash this area....whatever comes we will love it!

So this week we walked and 'pounded the pavement' so much! We went to Universities and contacted (talked with everyone) around the area. We found 10 new people this week to teach. Its been wonderful seeing the Lord pour out these blessings. We love each one of them.

Shady is still progressing. We love teaching her. Every moment of the day we are thinking of what we can do to help her. Its really nice to have that kind of charity in our hearts, which I know has been gifted from God. We cannot do this without your prayers and your support either! So grateful for that! thank you!

The mission is the best experience ever! Really! I have learnt so much about myself, about the Gospel and how to really live it...I have learnt the importance of choice. i have learnt how to pray more fervently. I have even learnt how to cook better...some of my companions might disagree ;) The work is beautiful. There is no where on earth i would rather be. I love being a missionary!

We also had a skills and interviews with President and sister Shields! I didn't get a very good picture yet...but this one would probably suffice for now haha. They are so good! they are full of fire and faith and they are super good with reading the book of Mormon. They are super friendly and they are hitting the ground running in finding and teaching on their own too. They shared a pass along card with a mail post person who came to their door! hahaha its funny because the fire they bring is like seeing it in brand new missionaries too! Its great and we love them!


I SAW GUARAV AGAIN! Guarav was baptized about 2 years ago in churchville YSA....my first area. We were on exchanges with Elder Holt...the wonderful assistant to the mission president (He is great!) and we were going to a lesson. i knew that Guarav was in the area and so we invited him to come teaching with us. It was SOOOO GREAT! I ran and almost tackled him as I saw him again since 2 years...It was so great to once again see him doing so well too!

Since the beginning of when he was baptized til now he has received the Melchizedek priesthood and gone to the temple many times. He also baptized 2 people a couple of weeks ago. He is doing so well and he prays like a champ. He told me a beautiful story. he said that when I left he got into some bad places in his life. He felt so bad and felt like he should stop going to church. he then realized how much the Gospel meant to him and he became converted to jesus Christ. He knew he could rely on him because he loved him. Since then he goes to church to come unto Christ. I couldn't ask for more. My joy is so full with that! :)

Remember....life is meant to be enjoyed...go find something fun to do...go make a new friend...go visit someone in need in your family or another...go do something with your life...and God will help you find the joy of doing so!

Life is a gift. How we use that gift is up to us. God wlll help us through the bumps and valleys. Of that I testify, that I know :)

Have a great week! I love you all, my family and my friends :)

Elder Nugent and Wehi"

Elder Wehi has shared two photos for this week. I would like to share with you one of the photos. Both of the photos are shared on "Mission Photos" section of this blog. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Hello everyone!

I would like to say my input before sharing this week's update, I still would like to thank everyone for being patient with me and Elder Wehi. I strongly encourage you to continue being patient with Elder Wehi to reply any of your emails because I know he has a very limited time to email.

Elder Wehi loves receiving emails from home. Elder Wehi loves receiving letters from home. Elder Wehi has sent a weekly update this week because it has been four weeks without a weekly update.

I know Elder Wehi emailed his Mum last week, to mention some things such as he will be staying in Toronto area, and he will be getting a new companion. Elder Akre got transferred to a different area, and his new companion is Elder Nugent.

Here's this week's update, "Thought I would send you all a picture of Elder nugent and I as we hadn't sent one in a while....its alittle strange...a little haha

This week has been super well! Elder Nugent and I served around each other in the MTC. He was always striving to help others find joy in the work and he still does that! He is great! We get along super well! We are one, we have so much in common and we testify of each other all the time. We have fun and work hard together and so there is going to be many miracles! I love the man!

Shady is still progressing well! We had a great lesson with her this week where we talked mostly about repentance. Shady testifies that she is trying each day to repent. She has been learning so much at church and growing so much. She said her first prayer the other day. It was a beautiful experience. We are learning so much with her too!

We had a special Mission Leadership Council where the new Mission President Shields and his wife introduced themselves to us. We sang hymns, talked and counseled on the needs of the missionaries in the Zones we are serving. We had lunch and breakfast which was super good! not too many days do we eat toooo well...but we do sometimes and those are special days haha. I recieved revelation that we should help certain missionaries and the biggest thing i took away from the meeting was to WORK HARD!

This is a sacred work! There is nothing more important that what I am doing now. This work does make a difference. Christ understands all things. He wants to succor all of us. He can only reach us to relieve us as we reach out to him. I am giving everyone the opportunity to feel that relief in their life. With Christ, life is sweeter. Thats why I am here...to bring souls to Christ. Gotta work hard for that...now and after the mission :)

We are looking forward to a great week!

Thank you all for your prayers and your love. You are all special to our Heavenly Father and to me. If there is anything we can do for you please please let us know? :)

Elder Nugent and Wehi (Nu-Weh) ;)"

Have a great week everyone!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

No Weekly Update for This Week

Hey, Readers.

I don't wish to take much up your time to read this post, so I will try my best to have this post short and sweet for you. How are you? How was your week? How's the weather where you are?
What was your favourite thing that you did during the week?

I am sure that there were some readers who were feeling all excited and hoping they can read a weekly update from Elder Wehi this week. If you were one of those types of readers, I strongly encourage you to not feel disappointed because he didn't have time to send one for this week.

Elder Wehi still emailed me and his family for this week. I know all full-time missionaries has limited time to email home. I know most full-time missionaries has one hour to email and I know some full-time missionaries has two hours to email.

I know some full-time missionaries has less than one hour to email either because the computers that they use has a poor internet connection or they have meetings that they need to go to or they have set appointments to visit their investigators or they got transferred to a new area on the same day.

I think it is important for you to wait for the weekly update because it is worth the read to know what Elder Wehi did during the week. I know that I really appreciate everyone's patience that they have for me and Elder Wehi.

Please continue doing so. It was Elder Akre's Birthday a few days ago and I hope he had an amazing day. I hope Elder Wehi did something great to celebrate Elder Akre's Birthday. Elder Wehi still has the same companion Elder Akre and they both still serving in Toronto area.

Elder Wehi reaches his 21st month mark on his mission today. 21 months ago was when he left his family, his extended relatives and friends behind to go to Canada to serve his mission.

I don't have much else to say. Please look forward to next week's weekly update. Have a great week.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Dear Everyone I Love!

Each week, I always look forward to receiving emails from Elder Wehi, and whenever I don't receive an email from him, it always feels like something is missing. I would like to share with you the weekly update that Elder Wehi has sent for this week. He said,

"Dear Everyone I Love,

You are the best. sorry I haven't been more in touch with some of you over singular emails, but I want to continue to make sure I at least write an email for the week.

its been a great week for us! This week we have been on soooo many exchanges. So, Elder Akre and I decided at the beginning of this transfer to go on a day exchange with all the Elders in the Zone. this week we had 3 of them. So I was in Spanish, Chinese, and English work this week. I have been on exchanges with all the languages in the mission now. that is 5 different languages! :) Its been one of the best things about serving a mission here in Canada Toronto. Its been a while since the beginning of the mission but it feels like yesterday that I was just beginning. Time flies and there has been so much that has happened, it is hard to put into words for all that I have learnt and loved here, but let me just say that these past 2 years have been the best of my life. Got to just keep working hard now! :)

We are so happy here! Being here in Toronto YSA for 2 transfers now has been great. The first transfer was good, but this is better. Elder Akre is a strong servant of the Lord and I love him very much. He is a good friend and we get along really well. We know each other pretty well now and know how to work in unity a lot more, its been great and I have learnt so much.

So right now we are teaching 4 people who are really awesome. One of the 4, her name is Shady. She has a large family and she is the oldest of them all. She is part jamaican, and irish. She loves to dance and she has a big heart. She is very social and so when she came to the YSA Branch here she loved it! She has a member friend who brings her to church and comes to lessons :) She is progressing well and loves learning abut the Gospel. We have a lesson with her tonight. But, once again, tonight I am going on another exchange hahaha! So I will hear from my companion how it goes!

Also, Pictures are here!"
Elder Wehi finally sent some photos and he has sent 18 photos. That is a lot of photos.

I love doing things on Elder Wehi's behalf during his mission especially updating this blog because it makes me feel very happy, it makes me to have extra responsibility and use my tume wisely. I always strive my best to do what Elder Wehi askes me to do straight away and with no hesitations.

He mentioned a lot of wonderful things through email to me, and he even asked me if I could do give a shout out to someone. I am happy to do the shoutout to that someone so here it goes, "Shoutout to Felipe Gonzalez! He is a member here. He is the best missionary ever!" It was from Elder Wehi.

I can't express how much me and Elder Wehi really appreciate everyone's patience towards us. So I kept saying thank you so much for being patient with me and Elder Wehi because we really do appreciate it.

The photos are shared under "Mission Photos" section. Have a great week everyone! 

Tuesday, June 07, 2016

Jesus Christ is our Saviour

Hey, Readers. I want you to know that you are amazing, I care about you even if I don't know who you are, I love your patience that you have for me and Elder Wehi especially when you are waiting for each update to be posted and I love updating this blog during his mission so far,

If you are showing support towards Elder Wehi by sharing uplifting messages and sharing about your weeks through emails or letters or both during his mission so far, I encourage you to keep it up!

I was thinking about some questions for all readers to answers and I would like to share those questions. "How are you all?" "What have you all been doing lately?" "How's the weather where you are?"
"Have you been keeping busy with work?" "Have you been keeping busy with studies?"
This week, Elder Wehi mentioned, "I want you to know that I know that Jesus Christ is our savior and that he loves us. I know that he keeps his promises and that he makes a way for us to be happy if we will follow the example of Jesus Christ."

I surely hope that I am not bothering anyone with me sharing my own input for some blog posts and me sharing a small portion of what Elder Wehi say to his Mum whenever Elder Wehi doesn't email me for the weekly update.

I would like to express my gratitude for Elder Wehi's Mum for helping me with some updates too. I really appreciate it and I know that Elder Wehi will appreciate that too.

I would like to express my gratitude for a member who has been showing this blog to Elder Wehi. I really appreciate it and I would like to tell you nicely to keep it up! It really makes me happy to know that Elder Wehi get wonderful opportunities to see this blog during his mission.

Please continue supporting Elder Wehi by emailing him with uplifting messages and sharing about your week. Please continue to be patient with me and Elder Wehi.

I thought to share an Image of the Jesus Christ because of the topic of this week's email from Elder Wehi was based on Jesus Christ.

If you have any questions, please either contact myself Megan or Elder Wehi. We will strive our best to answer any questions that you have. Have a great week.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

This Week!

"Dear everyone! How are you?

Being a zone leader is the best....just really busy. Hence the short emails. but know that there is much happening over here and we are seeing miracles every day. I hope to respond to all emails sent me, but when I dont please know its probably because we are sitting behind the wheel going to a meeting. Its a great privilege though to be a Zone Leader...most of our time is spent traveling to meetings or gathering information or helping missionaries with luggage and transfers. being a missionary is so sweet. We love it! There are 3 people we are meeting with this week when it comes to investigators.

Two quick experiences from the week: the first is an awesome moment of realizing how invested God is in the details of our lives. So we had an impression to text a member the other day in asking for the number of a referral they had sent us earlier. So we had found a person on exchanges the other day for the Portuguese area. the man actually was the one that the member sent us. so long story short....we had found the man sent to us by referral a week earlier to knowing about the referral. sounds confusing but simply it means that out of all the people in the whole toronto, at that time and place we ran into the man and he started coming to church. I know that God places people right where they need to be.

Another experience was we had called a potential person that wanted to learn more about the restored Gospel. he came to sports that night. He prayed and the prayer was about 10 minutes and poured out his heart to god that he would be able to help him in his life. It was touching and real. it was a great thing to be a part of.

We have a great amount of people we are teaching right now and its wonderful!

we love being missionaries!

I know that All things work out together for good for those that love God.

Have a great week and I will send pictures soon!

Elder Akre and wehi"

Readers, my mission papers got submitted ten weeks ago and I still haven't received my mission call. I love updating this blog during Elder Wehi's mission because it has been a wonderful privilege to do so.

Again, I would still like to share my thanks to the reader who has been showing this blog to Elder Wehi because it makes me feel happy and proud that he get to see the great work that I have been doing for him. I am glad that he doesn't have to wait until he gets home to see this blog.

It has been wonderful to engage the readers to read this blog often. I think the next popular month will probably either be July or August. When my mission call arrives, I will share the news on this blog. It is something that I am looking forward to and I am sure that is something that everyone is looking forward to including Elder Wehi.

I could think of many thank you for's right now and I will share with you to thank you for's.
Thank you for being patient with me and thank you for reading this blog.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Reaches 8,100 Total Page Views

I know that you may find it annoying to know this month was a popular month to share many posts. One of the advantages for a blog to engage their readers is to share posts often, otherwise, people will lose interest and stop reading the blog.

Most times, that is why it is important to share something new from the previous post each time.
Anyway, back on track for the reason of this post. Aaaaah! I have an exciting announcement to share.
It may not seem exciting to you but it was exciting for me. I would like to express my gratitude that I was grateful for this blog reaching 8,100 page views.

I would like to thank you for making it happen and reading this blog often even if you don't read this blog often, but by reading this blog regularly or time to time, it still counts.

I think it was wonderful to you to know. I noticed within a few days after posting the previous post, it has reached over 200 page views. When I last look which was this evening, it has reached almost 400 page views.

I think this blog has either extra new readers or the previous post had a catchy title. It makes me wonder. If you are reading this blog on the computer/laptop, you will notice at the bottom of this blog, it has a gadget that shows where the readers are from which I think that is smart.

I would like to tell you that I get very happy and very excited each time I see the gadget shows a reader from anywhere in Canada and America to read this blog. Do you ever feel all happy and excited to see a reader from Australia reads this blog?

Go ahead and share this blog with your friends, I am sure they will love reading something new whenever there are updates. I noticed this blog has no comments. I strongly encourage you to leave a comment.

I don't read this blog, I only read the preview of what the posts will look like before sharing it.
I just share the mission updates and the extra posts on my Google+ account.
I only share the posts on Facebook whenever there are mission updates.

I also share the posts time to time on Pinterest for the Images.
I also share the posts time to time on Twitter for any updates.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Miracles happen when we have the faith

Another week has past. Again, Elder Wehi's mission update for this week is short and sweet but I would like to make sure this post is worth the read by making this post long. I hope you weren't just expecting another short mission update. I would like to edit all the spelling mistakes from Elder Wehi.

"Things are going great and we are enjoying the work every day. There are many people being taught the Gospel! We are looking after ourselves physically by exercising every day and we study every day too! My companion is doing great and we are staying together for another transfer here in Toronto!

This is a special experience from this week: Had a pretty cool experience the other day. While on exchanges, we were taking the bus. There were many people on the buses, and so it was a great time to OYM. 

We were having so much fun talking to everyone and my companion was also having a blast getting to know the people, their stories, and sharing the restored Gospel. While on a bus, I was sitting next to a large group of young people.They were all talking amongst themselves and so it was hard to initiate the conversation, but I had promised the Lord that morning that I would talk to everyone and not hold back.

So I said: "Hey, how are you? I am Elder -----" They all looked at me and smiled, they all started to ask great questions about who we were and what we were doing, by the end of the bus ride three of them gave us their phone numbers and we just met with one of them the other day and she has set her own baptismal date and wants to come to church to learn more too! 

Miracles happen when we have the faith to reach just a little outside of our comfort zones. I love talking to everyone!! It's the best thing about being a missionary!"

I would like to know who reads this blog often even if people read this blog not so often. If you don't read this blog often, I strongly encourage you to read this blog often and be updated whenever there are updates. Thank you for being patient with me and thank you for being patient with Elder Wehi. 

Saturday, May 21, 2016

20 Months Mark

Hey, Readers.

I would like to let you know that this post is short and sweet, I know that time flies too quickly and has been going way fast after Elder Wehi reached his halfway mark. I encourage you to think about and answer the following questions in your own time.

Is it crazy how time flies while you are keeping busy by doing things that matters the most to you?
Is it crazy how time flies while you keep losing track of time whenever you continually going through a difficult time?
Is it crazy how time flies while you are spending some time with your friends? and Is it crazy how time flies while you are keeping busy with doing things in general?

I know time flies when I am keeping busy by doing the things that matters the most to me such as emailing friends and Elder Wehi during their missions, and updating this blog often.

I know time flies when I am updating my blog often, spending some time with my friends and keeping busy with doing things in general.
I know it is exciting for me to know Elder Wehi reaches his 20th month mark for his mission tomorrow. Aaaah! I am sure that he is excited to reach his 20th month mark tomorrow.

I don't know what he has in store to celebrate his 20th month mark and knowing that he has 4 months left of his mission. I can't believe time flies very quickly since he reached halfway/1 year mark of his mission and I can still remember when he left Brisbane to arrive at the MTC early with a surprise.

I am very grateful to update this blog whenever Elder Wehi lists me for the weekly updates and whenever I share extra posts for this blog. I know Elder Wehi appreciates it. I am very grateful that Elder Wehi get opportunities to read parts of this blog time to time.

If you are a church member in the branch where Elder Wehi currently serving in, I encourage you to provide a meal for Elder Wehi and his companion at least once a week.

If you read this far for this post, I would like to say thank you so much for taking up your time to read this post. I encourage you to continue to read the remaining of this post. 

If you are a church member in the branch where Elder Wehi currently serving in and if you are preparing to go on a mission, I strongly encourage you to take some time off work or after studying to go out with Elder Wehi and his companion for a lesson appointment or a whole day.

I am sure that Elder Wehi would share some of his experiences with you about when he went out with the Missionaries before he went on his mission and telling you that it is one of the greatest mission preparations that you have before leaving your mission.
If you are a church member in the branch where Elder Wehi currently serving in and if he and his companion are low on their kms/miles, I encourage you to find some time and help them out with providing a lift to their lesson appointments.and even providing lifts for any long distance trips.

You can always get the opportunity that way to get to know them and they might would like you to go with them for the lesson appointment. You don't have to a desire to serve a mission, but for Elder Wehi and his companion to have a member present for their lesson appointments and feel satisfied of their good works, you can help them in those ways. I know that they will appreciate it heaps.

Always remember the following things. 
If there is anything that Elder Wehi can do for you, I encourage you to email him and let him know.\ If there is anything that Elder Wehi and his companion both can do for you, please email Elder Wehi and let him know.

If there is anything that you would like me and Elder Wehi both can do for you, please let both of us know. We are happy to help out. If there is anything that I can do for you, please let me know. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Extra Posts that I post

This post is mainly about the extra posts that I post time to time. I think some readers aren't aware about those type of posts that I share.

I don't know if you have noticed or not, I don't just share Elder Wehi's weekly updates that he sends through emails and I don't just share the photos that Elder Wehi sends through emails, I also share extra posts too.

I share extra posts too because I know some readers would be happy to read more than just his mission updates and I know Elder Wehi would appreciate me for sharing extra posts.

I would like to explain to you about what are the extra posts that I share on this blog if you aren't aware of those posts already.

Whenever Elder Wehi got transferred, I shared a quick update about his previous area, how long he was there for and what are the numbers and names of his companions in order.

Whenever Elder Wehi reaches a certain month or reaches a month milestone of his mission, I shared a post when he reached his 6 months mark, when he reached his halfway/1 year mark, when he reached his 18 months mark, and in a few days, I will be posting when he reaches his 20 months mark.

When Elder Wehi turned 21 years, I shared a Happy Birthday post for his Birthday when he turned 21 years.

I shared a post on Mother's Day this year about wishing all the mothers, all the future mothers to be, all the foster mothers and all the future foster mothers to be around the world a Happy Mother's Day. I felt it would be extra special for all the mothets, all the foster mothers, all the future mothers to be and all the future foster mothers to be to read the post.

I just realised after sharing that post, I forgot to wish all those step mothers and all the future step mothers a Happy Mother's Day.

I would have done a Happy Father's Day post last year but I totally forgot to share it. So, if I am not on my mission when the day comes to Father's Day this year, I could share a Happy Father's Day post.

Elder Wehi didn't ask me to share the extra posts. I really love sharing those type of posts because not only about the reasoning that I mentioned before, but it also always makes me feel true happiness and sometimes overjoyed. I hope you are aware now for the extra posts that I post time to time.

I strongly encourage you to not email Elder Wehi just to ask him if he is aware about the extra posts that I post because to save your time, I would like to let you know that I know he is aware about the extra posts that I post time to time.

If you have any questions to ask me and it can be about anything that is appopriate, please ask away.
If you have any questions to ask Elder Wehi, please check this blog if your question has already been answered and make sure the question is appopriate. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Good Week for Teaching the Gospel

Elder Wehi's mission update for this week is short and sweet but I would like to make sure this post is worth the read by making this post long. I hope you weren't just expecting a short mission update.

When I woke up early this morning and I forgot to say my morning prayer, I immediately logged into my email account. I got all excited to see there was two unread emails waiting for me to be opened and the emails was from Elder Wehi.

I noticed that he replied to my last week's email update and he replied to my this week's email update. I noticed that he didn't list me to a weekly update this week. I didn't know what was going on because he replied both of my emails within 1 hour.

I don't know if he was just replying to whoever he received an email from or not. I don't know if he forgot to list me to the weekly update for this week or not. I was slightly confused. I eventually said my morning prayer until after reading the emails.

At first, I didn't know who to ask if he or she was listed to a weekly update from Elder Wehi for this week. It took me awhile to think about it. After about 20 minutes later, I decided to ask Elder Wehi's Mum, Elder Wehi's Dad, and his Best Friend Jacob at different times today.

All 3 of them replied to me within minutes after asking them the questions. The results was, Elder Wehi's Dad recevied an email fot the mission updates, Elder Wehi's Mum received an email too but it was just a reply and Jacob received a personal email.

I asked nicely for Elder Wehi's Mum to forward me a email that she received from Elder Wehi. Elder Wehi's Dad didn't forward me an email. Now, I would like to share with you what Elder Wehi mentioned to his Mum through emails for this week's update.

"it has been a good week for teaching the gospel. We have taught so much this week! Its good to be with a companion that is experienced as well as knows how to respond to the Spirit because the work gets done so much more effectively. Its been a great experience to see the administrative side of the church too. we sit in councils all the time and so we get to see that often.

Teaching Hamza from Israel is good. He is afraid about sharing the gospel with his family because they are muslim, but we are continuing to love him and to involve him in activities and he loves that so it should be going well for him. Just need to give him the opportunity to continue to grow and have the right environment to grow.

"Charity never faileth,,,because it never runs out" - lessons learnt on the mission."
Readers, I encourage you to think about this question, "Is there anything we can do for you?"

If there is anything that Elder Wehi and his companion can do for you, please email Elder Wehi and let him know. I am sure that Elder Wehi and his companion is happy to help you out if they can do what you ask them to do. If there is anything that I can do for you, please let me know and I know that I will be happy to help you out if I can. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2016



To my mother, to women that have mothered me, and to all women in general!!

I think about the influence of righteous women in my life, especially my mother and my grandmother and my beautiful Tita Christine... so many blessings have come into my life because of the examples of these women. thank you to all of you! I love you!

So this week was pretty fantastic! We had a blast going to missionary meetings and especially for Elder Akre and I because we were able to catch up with missionaries from the beginning of the mission...especially my first companion and trainer, Elder Turner! :) It was surreal as I was able to go there to the place the assistants and the zone leaders live, which is called the mansion, which is where I had been almost 2 years ago on exchanges when my companion was the district leader. (apostasy disclaimer) we stayed up til 2 in the morning talking about our experiences (Elder Turner and I) over the mission and how we had changed and grown. It was a nice experience.

The next day we went to MLC (missionary leadership council) where all the missionary leaders from across Ontario came together and we talked about the mission. I and 5 other missionaries got to sing "rock of ages" for everyone and then I was able to share a simple testimony at the end of the meeting. I felt the Spirit so strongly and found myself testifying of gods ability to help us become humble and to love our family and fellow travelers in life. I loved the meeting and we shortly after returned to downtown to continue the work!

So in YSA work, a lot of the time we spend car-ing from place to place....talking to people is a lot less since we are not surrounded by people on buses every day, but its a nice change because my back is so out of shape since the beginning of the mission...haha

We are teaching a young man who is from Israel. right now he is working on receiving his visa in the Americas so he can apply for permanent residency here in Canada...so he can also work towards being baptized. He is excited for it and we are too!


Sunday, May 08, 2016

Happy Mother's Day to all Women in the World

This post is short and sweet. Elder Wehi didn't ask me to do a blog post based on Mother's Day for today as it is Mother's Day but I thought it would be nice to have a blog post based on Mother's Day. 

It is exciting to know it is Mother's Day today which means Elder Wehi gets to Skype call home sometime today. It will be an exciting time for him and his family members to see him one last time via Skype call before he comes home because he comes home towards the end of this year and before Christmas this year. 
I know Elder Wehi has been doing a great job while he is serving in a Young Single Adult Branch in Toronto area. I know he has been doing a great job of being a Zone Leader while he is serving in that area. I know on some preparation days that he gets very busy and don't have time to email everyone who emails him. 

I would like to wish all mothers including all foster mothers, all future mothers to be and all future foster mothers to be around the world a "Happy Mother's Day! I hope you will get spoilt with your loved ones, I hope you will have a great day."

If your Mum is still alive today, I encourage you to wish your Mum a Happy Mother's Day, tell her that you love her, and share how much you appreciate her either through a phone call or skype call/video call or visiting her in person or spending some time with her. I know that she will appreciate that heaps.

I also encourage you to watch the following video clip.
If you can't see the video above, here's the link. www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQ4TPn8hjxI

Tuesday, May 03, 2016

Skills and Interviews

"It was a fun week! This was my first week doing a Zone level meeting. president Clayton came to the meeting which was at the Ossington chapel downtown. The church itself was built back in the 40's (I believe) so there have been many a times people have come into those doors over the years. In many ways you can almost picture president Monson walking down its hallways and all the families, generations of them being blessed by the presence of the Spirit there. Its a nice place to be.

So the meeting before it all began I had prayed for the strength and confidence to present because I have always been a little hesitant to present but its been improving since the leadership roles I've been asked to fill, and the best thing about it was that i felt more calm and ready to present...saying a prayer before difficult things really can provide the spirit of comfort. i know its true :) Also, there was 11 companionship (22 missionaries) present from the Zone. president and Sister Clayton instructed on love and loving the people we meet with each day. We then proceeded with the rest of the meeting while the missionaries were being interviewed. We taught on faith and baptism and the role of it. Elder Akre shared his powerful testimony on how the Gospel has blessed his family. It really brought the Spirit. many testimonies were shared and a member came from the YSA branch to share her testimony too. over all it was a fantastic meeting and we all really enjoyed it. We have been seeing fruits from it ever since :)

One of my most favorite parts of being a missionary leader is the exchanges we get to go on. I have some pictures of some exchanges we had (Elder Martin in Chinese, and Madrigal in Portuguese work) its been a blast to get to serve with these wonderful elders and I look forward to many more!
In my exchange with Elder Madrigal I took my guitar and we played for at least over 60-100 people. Played on the corners and in the subways, it was great!

Here are some pictures!

Hope you all have a great week! I love you and pray that you will feel the love of God this week :)
read, pray, and go to church....It provides stability in a world full of confusion and doubt. I know that when we put god first, every other good thing blesses our families and our individual lives :)

 Grandma June says hello! :) she opens the family history center that we email in..so she says hello :)

Your friend, and missionary,

Elder Wehi"

Be sure to check out "Mission Photos" section of this blog to view this week's photos. 

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Welcome, New Readers

During this past week, I was looking at www.preparetoserve.com/canada-toronto-mission website. While I was on the website, I have noticed Elder Wehi's name and the link to this blog was on there. I seemed to be surprised and a little excited.

If you haven't seen the website before, I encourage you to check it out. Here's a screenshot of the section it says 'Canada Toronto Missionary Blogs"

I don't know how long Elder Wehi's name and the link of this blog was on there for. It could be 3 to 5 days or it could be a week or it could be a few months. Who knows. I am certain that this blog has new readers since his name and the link to this blog was put up on the website and I would like to welcome those new readers.

I remember each blog post before January this year, it has been getting between 28 views to 60 views. Since the first post for this year; each blog post has been getting between 90 views to around 240 views. It has been amazing to see the growth of views for each blog post.

I would like to welcome those new readers again. I hope you are staying in tuned for each update that I post on behalf of Elder Wehi and other things that I post and that isn't on behalf of Elder Wehi.
Have a wonderful weekend and stay tuned until next update, You all are awesome! 

Friday, April 29, 2016

Don't Always Expect Replies

Hey, Readers.

During the past few weeks, I thought about what would make a great post for me to share with you and knowing that it isn't about the weekly update that I receive from Elder Wehi, and it isn't about a quick overview of his previous area where Elder Wehi served in/after he gets transferred to a new area.

I know it is normal for a friend to expect a reply through emails from their friend who is serving their mission, and I know it is normal for a friend to expect a reply through letters from their friend who is serving their mission.

I strongly encourage you to not expect Elder Wehi to reply back to your emails each week because he doesn't always have the time to reply back. When he does reply back, it will be brief and short. I know that he tries his best to reply back whenever he can and to whoever he can.

If you do email him, I have a few suggestions what you can say to him and remember it has to be brief and short due to he doesn't always have time to reply back but I know he does read the emails.
As far as I know, he has only 1 hour to read emails, reply to emails and send the weekly update.

For Emails:

You can ask him a few short opened questions along with some updates about your week.
For an example: "What are a few things that have helped you to prepare for your mission?"

You can keep him motivated. 
For two examples: "Keep up the great work." or "Have a great week."
You can share with him a few uplifting short quotes or/and sayings. For two examples: 
"Find Joy in the Journey." by President Thomas S. Monson.
"Just keep trying." by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland.

You can share with him a few scripture verses when inspired. For an example:
When you need hope, I encourage you to read Ether 12:27.
The email can be like for this, 

"Hey Elder Wehi,

I had a spiritually uplifting week and I would like to share with you a few highlights.
On Wednesday night: I attended Institute and learnt more about the Atonement.
On Thursday: I attended a session at the Temple with my Mum.

How are you? What are you looking forward to for this upcoming week?

You are doing a great job and have a great week."


say the same thing or similar as above, with additional "I look forward to your reply soon."

For Letters:

You can share with anything that is positive, uplifting and can be mission focused. 

For Notes:

You can share with him some thank you for's, such as "Thank you for being my friend" 
"Thank you for being patient with me." "Thank you for setting a great example to me." 

You can write him an uplifting note that he can open whenever he is feeling discouraged. 
You can write him an uplifting note that he can open whenever he thinks about giving up. 
You can write him an uplifting note that he can open whenever he needs to cheer up.

You can write him countdown notes that he can open when he reaches certain months left of his mission. For an example, "23 months down, 1 month to go!!! Some weeks went slow and some weeks went fast. I know time goes so fast while you are busy with the missionary work and while you are having fun. You got this, you don't have long to go. Take many photos as you can. Make the most of it." 

Stay Tuned until next time.