Friday, October 17, 2014

Toronto EH!

"What a blessed 1st week in the mission field. I left the MTC on the 6th in the morning and traveled to Canada where I arrived in the evening. It was a long day! We were able to meet President and Sister Clayton and share a meal together. We had a brief testimony meeting and afterwards were taken to a hotel to sleep for the night. It was to be a big day in the morning, as we were to be getting our new trainers! As we were sitting together, the anxiety of knowing who was going to be my trainer for my first transfer was intense. Elder Turner is my first companion and my trainer. He is from Arizona and is, well, lets just say he is much smaller than me. He has a big heart though and knows how to work. The next few days after that was me getting acquainted with the new area of Churchville YSA North in the Brampton Zone. I was able to meet with the members and work with them for lessons. My companion and I have been dynamic together and the work is hastening on. We are very similar in the way that we are not morning people and our eating habits could improve. We are enjoying the time together as we have already seen many miracles from the Lords hand.

There was an experience the other night that showed me that the Lord will hasten his work in His time and that he is mindful of all his children because he loves us all. The other night, my companion and I were following up on an investigator that was in a far away part of our area. We came to an old apartment building that was not in very good condition. My first though was to judge my surroundings based on what I saw, but later on I would find that no matter where we might find ourselves, that God looks to His children always in love. We couldnt find the investigator and so we thought we would climb the apartment stairs to find the roomn number. We heard a baby cry and some yelling come from behind one of the doors in the corridor. I looked to my companion and I could tell he had the same feeling. We had to knock on this door. We did so and a man with a baby came to the door. He told us to come in. Hesitantly we did so. I have to admit I didnt know what to expect, but we took a step of faith and trusted in the Lord. The man had a partner and they were having an argument that had escalated quickly. We came just in time before the mother of the child was going to leave and possibly not come back. We were able to sit in with them and eventually shared a message about families. The spirit flooded the whole room as the baby stopped crying and the peace in the room was immense! We prayed with them and shortly left  afterwards. Before my companion and I left, my companion told me that the baby began to cry as he left and wouldn't want to let go of his shirt. I know that there was a purpose for us being there that night and I also know that Heavenly Father is always mindful of all of His children. He loves all of us and I know we were instruments in his hands that night to help bring the Spirit into these persons home.

I have only been in the field for a week now, but the miracles and the blessings I have seen as too many to count. I have seen the light of the gospel shine in the lives of those who didnt even know who God was. This work is so important and we are all enlisted. It takes courage to extend the loving arm of charity to others, but it is more than worth it. I know that a mission is more than worth it. It is a privilege and a pleasure to represent the Lord Jesus Christ.

Keep up the Good work everyone and know that I love you always!

A brother, son, and friend in the Lord,

Elder Wehi"

Tuesday, October 07, 2014

What an Experience!

"Our purpose as missionaries is: "To invite others to come unto Christ, by helping them receive the restored Gospel through Faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, Repentance, Baptism, Receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the end." This is why I am here at the MTC. To know my purpose whole heartedly and to become truely converted to the Lord before I can help others to do the same. What a blessing!

This week has been really great! There have been so many different opportunities to learn more about myself and my purpose as a missionary. I am grateful for this blessing that has come into my life. The biggest difference I can see in my own understanding of becoming a missionary is that everything we do is about Christ. Christ is the centre of everything. His Gospel applies to everyone.

At the beginning of this week I was able to see how the Atonement of Jesus Christ not only blesses the lives of those we teach, but also myself and my companion. My companion Elder Brown had been struggling for a long time with difficulties that arised before his mission and I was able to help him to resolve his concerns about his mission through the faith that can come in the redemptive power of the Atonement of Christ. Since taking hold of the Atonement and its peaceful and cleansing influence, my companion has become a different missionary. He is more willing and able to participate and has a greater emphasis and purpose for the work. How grateful I am for this miracle.

I have seen my testimony and conversion of the Gospel of Jesus Christ grow immensely and I know that there is a purpose behind all that the Lord does for His children. Nothing is coincidence! I find that my purpose of being here at the MTC is more than just training for the field, but it is for the other missionaries that I serve with here as well. I love them all and love the people we have been able to teach. Sarah Mae is on of our progressing investigators here at the MTC and through the Spirit we have been able to help her to come to a greater knowledge of how the Atonement applies to her own life. We will be setting a Bapitismal date with her hopefully later today. Hurrah for Israel!

So on other news, I have had the pleasure of being present in a priesthood choir practice for the General Conference, attend a MTC devotional that was presided over by Elder Ballard, and do some endowment sessions in both the Salt Lake City and Provo Temples. I have been collecting memories of my time here at the MTC and it has been a truely once in a lifetime experience. It has been great to see how much food they eat here in America! It feels like home! All the missionaries have been refering to me as 'Aussie' and they tend to ask me A LOT of questions about Australia- Which is quiet interesting as that would never happen at home!

I love it here. It really is incredibly beautiful.

Our District leaves the MTC this Monday and I personally leave at 6am here (U.S time) and get to Canada around 10am. I will be sending some photos hopefully soon too.

Remember that I love you all, more than you know.

Continue to have Faith in Jesus Christ and to find Joy in the journey.

The Gospel or nothing!


Elder Wehi"