Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Something different...

"So because of time and the Spirit, I have found that I have to share an experience from this week that really touched my heart... and I was wondering if anyone has any experiences from this week that we would like to share with my companions and I, because your stories of seeing the Gospel in your life could be the motivation and inspiration that one of our investigators needs to move to the next step of baptism... so let us know! :) Thanks for being great too! (they could also be experiences from years back or something that really touched our heart from the Gospel.)

So this week was really special as we were able to find a family to teach! It was a miracle! At the beginning of the week we prayed and asked the Lord for guidance on where we should focus our proselyting time. We found that the Lord made it very clear that we had to work with finding families. This area is very large and public transport is our main way of getting to and from appointments, but we dedicated ourselves in prayer that we would fast and search for this family. So the most amazing thing happened! We were walking to an area hen we decided to talk with a lady that was crossing our path, she had a daughter and seemed like she would be interested. She quickly said that she wasn't and we started to walk again. One of my companions went to a nearby home and talked with a person who was inside, and they let us in! We testified of the Book of Mormon and the Savior. The Mother said she wanted to come to church again and she felt like she had been too long from God and needed to come back. The following Sunday she brought her two children and they loved church. They all prayed together and cried together praying that they could as a family all be with God again. We will be meeting with them this week to teach them more about the Restored Gospel!! :) We left church that day feeling very grateful for the inspiration the Lord gave us to search for and teach families. The Gospel blesses families.

This week has been great and I pray that yours will too! Keep loving others and i know that even just a little act of kindness can change another day and fill it will joy and gladness, and you never know, it may be an answer to that persons prayer :)

Your missionary,

Elder Wehi"

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Quick Overview of 2nd Area: Trenton

This post is a quick overview of Elder Wehi's second area.

His second area was Trenton. He had 1 companion while he was serving there.
Elder Wehi served in Trenton area from February 2015 to June 2015.
In other words, he stayed in Trenton Area for total of  4 Transfers.
The Companion that he had was:
1st Companion: Elder Pumford.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

How beautiful are the Waters of Mormon!

"Ola! How are you all? Please remember to email, even if its something small and simple, I would love to hear what amazing things are happening over there your way. Im sure the Lord is blessing you every day and Im grateful for that knowledge! A mission helps you find the importance of seeing the needs of others before yourself, it truly does. When we strive to serve others, Christ is there beside us as the perfect example of servant. I know that Christ was a servant of all, because I cant help the feeling I get when I give to others and see the joy in their faces light up! How great shall be your joy, they say :)

Life is about smiling, because I sincerely believe that man are that they might have joy. Families are joy and the more I serve the more I come to see that God does everything with an eternal plan for our families. I know our families are cared for, though we also meet those who are torn against family, and I know that the words of President Thomas S Monson are true when He said: "blame keeps wounds open, only forgiveness heals". Families are so important to us and I feel my desire to caring for my own family grow, though they are only words I pray that my example could reach out to them. When we dont know how to reach out and share the Gospel with our family our friends; the words of President Gordon B Hinckley come to mind: "Do you want to be happy? Forget yourself and get lost in this great cause. Lend your efforts to helping people. … Stand higher, lift those with feeble knees, hold up the arms of those that hang down. Live the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

This week has been fantastic as we saw a baptism now in the area. Darleen had been investigating the church for over a year, and was baptized yesterday! :)
Sorry this week is shorter but please know that I am doing well and that the work is continuing to go forward here in Trenton and its great to see!

Oh and Im being moved to Toronto, Ossington Zone at Don mills south. With Elder Lasley :) Look forward to keeping in touch with you all!

Remember to always pray, in patience, faith and humility :) It is the source of every good thing. I promise :)

Elder Wehi"

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

When ye are in the service of your fellow beings, ye are only in the service of your God

"Dear friends and family!
Comment ca va?

What an amazing week it has been! its the 5th week of the transfer over and the sixth about to start! :) how exciting! haha The Canadian weather is cool enough, yet warm too for the barbecues to make an appearance haha; and its beautiful with all the miracles we see everyday! I often think to myself, where has all the time gone! haha its been nearly 9 months now and ive come to understand so much about who I truly am! Its been great! Ive learnt the importance of become childlike in nature (being humble, patient, and full of love), the importance of family, and the beauty of seeing the moments and times when the Spirit of God touches the heart of an individual right then and there when we are teaching them. Its great being a missionary! Missionary work is so rewarding and we love it! Its great being able to help someone who for all there life has wondered who they are searching for purpose to there life, and we can simply testify that they are children of god and there faces light up with so much joy! :)

Its been a fantastic week for the work here in Trenton! As always we never ever have anytime to do anything other than work from 10 to 10 aha! We find ourselves knocking doors, teaching lessons, and doing yard work all day every day and it fills up our schedules pretty quick! This past week we had 8 new visitors come to church, 6 of which have baptismal dates and are preparing for baptism at this time. If all goes well the Lord and the branch should be having a baptism this coming Sunday :)

This week we had a really neat experience with member missionary work. We have a progressing investigator who was struggling with being able to get a marriage license to be married before the baptism. So we prayed and felt that we should go to our branch president to ask him who he felt would be good to take to the lesson. He told us a certain individual to take with us and so we contacted this man and asked is he could come along. He was happy to! So the night we went was powerful! We prayed before the lesson, but didn't say too much about the circumstance of the investigator and her husband, to the member but trusted that the Spirit would direct. It certainly did! We got into the lesson and the Spirit was very strong as the member testified of the importance of baptism and the Temple. It was so moving and strong that the investigator and her husband immediately wanted to get the marriage license and now they have gone to do so and a baptism that seemed so far away, should be this Sunday!! :) working with the key holders and members is the key to hastening the work of salvation!

My companion and I sing and are (somewhat) musical haha! so we sing for some sunday meetings and for people on the door and out on the streets with and without the guitar! Speaking of my companion, Elder Pumford has a wonderful spirit and he teaches me a lot about being a good friend and missionary for the members in this branch! The branch is growing and we are seeing the members super happy when there less active friends come back to church.

We had a lady who hadn't been out to church in 15 years, come to church this Sunday! its was super great! she loved it all once more!

An invitation that blessed my life on the mission, is the same one I would love to extend to you all. The invitation is simple: Did you think to pray? I testify that god lives and hears you, he cares, and He will send help to you in His time and in His way :) So pray, whenever happy or sad, confused or the way seems clear; talk with Him and He will guide you for good :) though we are incomplete, He loves us completely.

A scripture we read this morning from the doctrine and covenants:

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, ye are little children, and ye have not as yet understood how great blessings the Father hath in his own hands and prepared for you; And ye cannot bear all things now; nevertheless, be of good cheer, for I will lead you along. The kingdom is yours and the blessings thereof are yours, and the riches of eternity are yours. And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more."

Keep smiling. Look on the bright side. Be of good cheer :)
There is so much to be grateful for! and to live for! and to become! :)

I love you all!
Have a great week :)

Elder Wehi and Pumford"

Friday, June 05, 2015

Now is the time eh! - The week of two missionaries in Canada, Trenton (25th-31st)

" Before anything else: I love you all! Please know that I do, and though I do not write too much please know that that never changes. WOW! How great is it to be a full time missionary for Christs church! Its like a spiritual roller coaster everyday! You see the best of everyone and you get to really know many many many families personally and you become a part of their family also. Its great because everyone around us is already a brother or sister, they just don't know it yet ;) haha! Thats the trick! You just have to invite and help them see that they are children of God. So great to be able to help people see their divine potential and that it really is true when Christ said: "anything is possible to them that believe."

I love our Savior! We see Him every day and in every way. He is just simply everywhere, we just have to open our eyes to see Him. Its so cool because we know that every door, every person, every rejection, every lesson, every fall, bump, and bruise, and every joy; He is just simply there. He is so invested in us and he is certainly invested in the people we are teaching right now!

This Sunday we had the privilege of working in the area of Trent hills which is a small branch of about 15 active members, 45 minutes out of town. On the rolls they have about 60 members, but most are inactive or haven't been out to church in a long while. President Clayton received the inspiration to have us and another set of missionaries work in the area and work alongside the members to have the branch increase in attendance, in which we are very excited to do so! Its going to be great! As we prayed the night before, we felt impressed to pray about receiving a confirmation of the area and we certainly received one! The members there love missionaries and everything pointed to how perfect timing it was for the members and the missionaries to work together at this time. We visited some of the members in their home that day and also found a young man who had known missionaries before but had never had the chance to learn of the missionary lessons, but was so prepared to receive them now! The other set of missionaries will begin teaching him this week!

This week we had a great experience with going on exchange with the Zone leaders. We had 2 lessons that really stood out. The first was with a less active member who was planning on coming to church for weeks and we were able to start teaching his friend in his home. Because of this and because of friends from church who are also returning to activity and inviting this man to come along, he was able to come to church this Sunday! The other lesson was with a single mother in whom we found through her children leading us to the home one day and introducing us to her, which was a miracle in itself. We came into the lesson expecting to teach her, but the Spirit indicated that there was someone else in the room that really needed the message we were going to share that day. We found a lady who was recently experiencing family trials and had moved in with her friend (the lady we were to teach), and she joined in the lesson and loved it! She felt that it was an answer to her prayer that someone was looking out for her in her time of need. Surely her Heavenly Father was! and now when we return next week, we will be teaching them both together! :)

We are also meeting with at least once a week for dinner a lady who hadn't had missionaries over for dinner with her for over 15 years! So she was very happy to have missionaries again in her home! We missionaries somehow have big stomachs now? hah but its been great to be with this lady because you can feel the very real joy that comes into her life and you can see it in her when we come by, its just so wonderful to see how much faith these people truly do have in the missionaries

This week has been full of miracles, in which we will always be grateful for!

As our Mission President has declared: "Now is the time!" We partner alongside the members and the Lord and He does His work, in which we see miracles every day. Every new day a miracle in itself :)

We have a couple of families preparing for baptism and being taught this week. Its going to be a great week!

I'm so grateful for all of you and for the many different parts and roles you each have played in my life. Thanks again!

Always be grateful, its a great way to live!
Heavenly Father wants to hear from you :)

Your missionary,

Elder Wehi