Thursday, April 21, 2016

Happy 21st Birthday!

Hey, Readers if you didn't know already, today was Elder Wehi's 21st Birthday. I can't believe it was a year ago since Elder Wehi was turning 20 and I can't believe he turns 21 today. I hope Elder Wehi had a great day and I hope his companion Elder Akre spoils him so much.

Elder Wehi deserves to be spoilt. I am sure that Elder Akre had something in mind to do something special to celebrate Elder Wehi's 21st birthday. I do wonder of 2 possibilities of how Elder Wehi would describe his 21st birthday and I would like to share with you what those possibilities are.
Those possibilities are - 
1. This day being an emotional day for him because it is his last birthday that he gets to celebrate during his mission. 2. This day being a great day for Elder Wehi because he was turning 21.

If you would like to wish him a Happy Birthday via emails, his email is and I know he would appreciate a Happy Birthday wish from you.

If you would choose not to email him to send a Happy Birthday wish, you are welcome to comment below on the comments section, I am happy to send him a Happy Birthday wish on your behalf and I know he would appreciate it.

If you are friends with him on Facebook, you are welcome to post on his Facebook wall to wish him a Happy Birthday. I know that he will see that post after his mission and he will appreciate it.

Either way of you choose to do of how to wish him a Happy Birthday, he would appreciate it a lot. I have noticed in this week's update Elder Wehi mentioned: "Thank you for the birthday wishes." I would like to thank you so much for being patient with me and Elder Wehi. Have a great week.

Stay Tuned until next time.

1 comment:

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