Tuesday, August 30, 2016

30 Days to go

First and foremost, I would like to apologise to all readers that there has been no weekly update for last week and this week. Elder Wehi has not emailed me for the past few weeks but that is okay because I know that Elder Wehi has been emailing his Mum weekly and that makes me happy.

I do not know who else he emails to. Remember, there is not much time left and he has a few weeks left of emailing home. Aaaah! Time flies too quickly and it is still unbelievable for me to acknowledge that in thirty days Elder Wehi will be arriving back to Australia.

I am so excited to see him again. Not long to go now!!! I encourage everyone to prepare themselves to feel mixed emotions such as excitement, happiness, overjoyed, and other feelings on the same day when Elder Wehi returns to Australia because that day is going to be a big day like any other missionary coming home from their mission.
I kept thinking and asking myself the following questions throughout today and this evening.

"Where did the time go? I still remember spending one last time with Elder Wehi before his mission."    "Was it really twenty days ago since Elder Wehi reached fifty days left? Time went so quickly." 

"When will people start to realise that Elder Wehi comes home so soon if they haven't realised it yet?" 

I do not know when Elder Wehi will be sending a weekly update. You might have to put up with me updating this blog will fun countdown days left until he comes home. Hopefully not. Hahaha! I hope that Elder Wehi will send one or two more weekly updates before he comes home. 

Have a great week everyone! 

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