Sunday, September 18, 2016

Quick Reminders!

This post is short and sweet. I don't have much to say for this post. I would like to share with you easy and quick reminders. I know time flies too fast while you are having fun. I also know time flies too fast while you are keeping busy.

Elder Wehi comes back to Australia next week. This week might be the last week for Elder Wehi gets the opportunity to have one last preparation day to email home before his mission so please remember to email him. I know he will appreciate it heaps!

Are you stuck with some ideas? I hope the following ideas will help and encourage you knowing what to say for the email.

The email can be about anything to do with a spiritually uplifting message, sharing any uplifting quotes, sharing any general conference talks, sharing any scripture verses, sharing any encouraging words such as "Keep up the great work." and much more. Please keep it simple because I am aware that Elder Wehi is running out of time and has very limited of time left to email home.

I hope everyone will look forward to the next update.

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